how big is a tombstone

How big is a tombstone?

Tombstones have been used for centuries as a way to mark a grave and honor the memory of a loved one. They come in different sizes and styles, but how big is a typical tombstone? The size of a tombstone can vary depending on the preferences of the family or the cemetery regulations. However, the […]

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Our advantage

* Technicians with a solid structure in the choice of granites for our customers. *Qualified technicians and staff for advice and guarantees on the manufacture of granite monuments. *Customer service evaluated by the Business Ethics Committee, and customer references. *Years of experience in the funeral industry; Innovation and flexibility of design for the personalization of […]

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Choosing a Monument Styles

Upright monuments come in a wide variety of styles, shapes and sizes, providing a full range of creative and personalized works of art. Slant and bevel markers are midway in height between flat markers and upright monuments. They come in single or double in size and can be personalized with symbols or inscriptions. Flat markers […]

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The choice of the headstone

The choice of the headstone is very important as it reflects the personality of the deceased. It immortalises the memory of the deceased’s loved ones. Several criteria must be respected: the shape, the materials used for the design, the dimensions, the budget, as well as the beliefs of the deceased and the location of the […]

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The digging of the grave is done according to the location of the burial and the possibilities of access to the cemetery, the digging is done manually or mechanically. The safety of the workers, as well as that of the public, must be ensured. When digging, all necessary measures should be taken to prevent the […]

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The main forms of French funerary monuments?

Granite monument with a stele and a massive planter. Granite monument with a stele and a prie-dieu. Granite monument with a stele and a long tomb. Granite monument with a long tomb without a stele. Granite monument with a tomb and a prie-dieu without a stele. Monument with a flat slab and a granite sole […]

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The tombstone production process is as follows: 1. Select materials and tombstone shapes first; 2. First, cut the material into small pieces, cut to the approximate size we need . If there is no stock of materials, you need to go to mines and other places to buy materials. 3. After cutting out the dimensions, […]

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