black stains on headstones

What are the black stains on granite headstones?

Black Stains on Granite Headstones: Causes and Care

Black stains on granite headstones come from different sources. Understanding these causes helps families protect and clean their loved ones’ memorials.

Biological Growth

The black marks on headstones are often mold, algae, or lichen. These tiny plants grow on stone surfaces and feed on minerals. Rain and shade create perfect spots for them to grow.

Environmental Impact

Trees and bushes near headstones drop leaves and sap. These items rot and leave dark stains. Bird droppings mix with rain and seep into the stone’s surface, causing black marks.

Mineral Deposits

Iron and other metals in rainwater can leave black stains. When water runs down the stone’s face, these metals stick to the surface and turn dark over time.

clean granit headstone

Air Pollution

Car exhaust and factory smoke contain particles that settle on headstones. These bits mix with rain and create black streaks down the stone’s surface.

Stone Age

Old granite headstones show more black stains. Years of weather and nature break down the stone’s polish, which lets stains sink in deeper.

Cleaning Tips

  • Use clean water and soft brushes
  • Stay away from bleach or acid cleaners
  • Test cleaning products on a small spot first
  • Work in small sections
  • Keep the stone wet while cleaning


Put distance between plants and the headstone. Clean the stone with water twice each year. Add a stone sealer to protect against new stains.

Contact a stone care expert for tough stains. Some cleaning methods can hurt the stone and make the problem worse.

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