Cremation options

Place a flat stone for the loved one, personalized and adapted.
Buy a bundle so that your loved one can erect a vertical memorial of any kind (multi-room, monolith, tablet, boulder, bench, etc.).

Interment in an individual cremation memorial – Cremation remains are interred in the personalized stone rather than in the ground.

Interment in a communal columbarium – Ashes are usually interred in a large wall in a cemetery in which you purchase a concession. They can be indoors or outdoors.

Scattering in a Cremation Garden – Cremation remains are scattered around a designated section of a cemetery or other designated area where they can be the subject of many commemoration options.headstone memorial


Cremation remains are scattered at sea or in a place that was special for the person. Commemoration options include:
Install a memorial at home (benches, urns, etc.)
Donate a bench, birdbath, sundial, etc. at a public place in memory of the loved one.
Make a bronze or granite plaque that can be displayed in memory of your loved one.
Whatever your decision, one of the biggest advantages of cremation over full body burial is that you can take your time to decide.

For your custom and wholesale monument orders

Our contacts

Xiamen Justhigh Import & Export Co, LTD.
1802.NO:258.Dongdu Road Huli District 361009.Xiamen China
Phone: +86 592 5565566
Fax: +86 592 5565577

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